8 research outputs found

    The Potential of Private Health Insurance Ownership Based on the 2018-2020 National Socioeconomic Survey Data

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    In 2014, the Indonesian Government introduced a social security program in the health sector. However, Indonesia’s out-of-pocket expenses remain high due to a lack of public interest in National Health Insurance services. Financing expensive health services with high out-of-pocket expenses has the potential to cause poverty. Private health insurance is considered a solution to this problem. This study aimed to determine the socioeconomic factors of private health insurance ownership and its potential in Indonesia. This study used secondary data from the 2018, 2019, and 2020 National Socioeconomic Surveys. Logistic regression analysis showed that the variables related to private health insurance ownership were age, sex, education, economic status, employment status, marital status, household status, and location of residence. The most dominant variable in 2018 was per capita expenditure (economic status), while education was the most dominant variable in 2019 and 2020. The result of this study can be used to formulate a strategy for increasing participation in private health insurance. The socioeconomic health sector should use this information to target specific markets for private health insurance

    A Comprehensive School-Based Nutrition Intervention to Improve the Implementation of Healthy School Canteen Policy: A Systematic Review

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    Background: School-based nutrition intervent­ion is recommended as one of the public health strategies in supporting the development of healthy diet behaviour for school-age children. It is in line with Global Action Plan 2013-2020 of World Health Organization (WHO) in preventing and controlling double burden of disease as a consequence of non-communicable disease in the future. This study aims to identify the kind of comprehensive school-based nutrition inter­vention and analyze effectiveness of every study in improving policy implementation of healthy school canteen.Subjects and Method: This systematic review study was conducted from two electronic data­bases, namely Scopus and ProQuest with keywords of "school nutritional policy", "compre­hensive intervention", and "healthy canteen" to search relevant publication in English and have open access published from 2015 to 2020.Results: From total 1.367 of publications, 9 arti­cles meet inclusion criteria. Based on evaluation of those studies with comprehensive or multi-component intervention to healthy school canteen policy, the common elements show that regular monitoring and feedback with executive and community support can show improvement of school adherence to policy implementation.Conclusion: This study found that a compre­hensive school-based nutrition intervention was effective in improving the implementation of healthy school canteen policy.Keywords: nutrition intervention, healthy canteen, policy implementationCorrespondence: Sarah At Tauhidah. Health Policy and Adminis­tration Department, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia. F Building 1st Floor, Kampus Baru UI Depok 16424, Indonesia. Email: [email protected] of Health Policy and Management (2021), 06(01): 57-66https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpm.2021.06.01.06

    The Association between Self Esteem and Self-Efficacy With Mental Illness in Pregnant Women

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    Background: A study in Indonesia conducted in the DKI Jakarta area in 2002 showed that 15% experienced depression during pregnancy and 20% depression after childbirth. Self esteem and self efficacy are things that affect mental condition. This study aims to determine the relationship of self-esteem and self-efficacy on health conditions in pregnant women.Subjects and Method:This study is a quantitative study with cross-sectional design involving a sample of 182 respondents from midwife independent practice in East Jakarta in January-June 2019. Univariate analysis was used to determine the description of the characteristics of respon­dents. SEM analysis was used to determine the relationship between variables of self-esteem, self-efficacy and mental health.Results:The interaction of self esteem and self efficacy shows a strong relationship of 0.9. The path coefficient from self esteem to mental health of -0.55, from self efficacy to mental health of -0.04.Conclusion:Self esteem for mental illness has a negative effect with a moderate effect. Self efficacy also has a negative direction and is very weak.Keywords: mental health, maternal mental health, postpartum blues/depressionCoresspondence: Cicilya Candi. Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java, Indonesia. Email: [email protected] of Health Promotion and Behavior (2019), 4(4): 267-273https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2019.04.04.0

    Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skill in Diabetes Self-management Using Structural Equation Modeling Analysis

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    Diabetes is the “mother” of various diseases increasing the risk of morbidity and mortality. Diabetes self-management, an effort made by patients to control blood sugar levels, is an important part of the management strategy. Therefore, this study analyzed information, motivation, and behavioral skills associated with diabetes self-management. Data were collected in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, with 277 diabetic patients selected using a questionnaire by a systematic random sampling method. The analyzed variables were information (with indicator variables of information on physical activity, nutritional intake, drug consumption, and blood sugar monitoring); sociodemographic (age, sex, occupation, education level, and duration of diabetes); motivation (barrier, benefit, self-efficacy, severity, and susceptibility); and behavioral skills (new motor, self-regulatory, and social skills), which were analyzed to identify their influence on diabetes self-management using structural equation modeling. The results indicated that information and motivation significantly and positively affected behavioral skills; while, sociodemographic did not. Behavioral skills had a significant and positive effect on diabetes self-management. Accordingly, people with diabetes information, motivation, and behavioral skills need to be improved to increase the success of diabetes self-management

    Mutu Layanan dan Kepuasan Pasien pada Layanan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut Pemerintah dan Swasta : Literature Review: Quality of Services and Patient Satisfaction in Public and Private Dental Health Services : Literature Review

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    Latar belakang: Kesehatan gigi dan mulut merupakan bagian integral dari kesehatan umum yang berperan dalam mendukung setiap individu ketika bersosialisasi dalam masyarakat dan dalam mencapai potensi tertinggi diri mereka. Untuk mencapai Universal Health Coverage untuk kesehatan mulut diperlukan kesetaraan mutu layanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di pelayanan kesehatan. Tujuan: untuk mengetahui mutu pelayanan dan kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut pada penyedia layanan baik di sektor pemerintah maupun swasta. Metode: Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah tinjauan literatur (litrature review) dengan pencarian artikel ilmiah melalui ProQuest, Taylor & Francis dan Medline. Hasil: Didapati 634 artikel ilmiah kemudian dilakukan seleksi sehingga didapatkan 12 artikel ilmiah yang peneliti review. Kesimpulan: Tidak ada perbedaan siginifikan baik mutu dan kepuasan pasien pada layanan gigi publik/pemerintah maupun swasta

    Gambaran Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan Pada Kunjungan Rawat Jalan Klinik Bunga Merpati Palu: An Overview of the Quality of Health Services During an Outpatient Visit at the Bunga Merpati Palu Clinic

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    Latar belakang: Peramalan didefinisikan sebagai suatu proses peramalan yang dilakukan secara sistematis mengenai hal yang paling mungkin terjadi di waktu mendatang berdasarkan informasi di masa lalu dan saat ini yang dimiliki. peramalan kunjungan dalam kurun waktu tertentu dapat membantu pihak penyelenggara pelayanan kesehatan memperbaiki mutu layanan yang nantinya terdampak kepada peningkatan angka kepuasan pelanggan. Tujuan: Penulis ingin mengetahui peramalan kunjungan dari unit rawat jalan untuk 10 tahun ke depan agar klinik dapat mempercepat proses tranformasi menjadi rumah sakit serta dapat meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas pelayanan kesehatan yang ditawarkan kepada pasien Metode: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif. Studi ini menggunakan metode studi dokumentasi untuk mengumpulkan data. Populasi penelitian berasal dari data kunjungan pasien dan pengunjung baru rawat jalan tahun 2017-2021 dengan sampel keseluruhan dari populasi. Analisis datanya menggunakan rumus analisis trend linear dengan metode kuadrat terkecil Hasil: Peningkatan kunjungan pasien per hari tahun 2017-2021 mengalami fluktuasi dengan rata-rata peningkatan sebesar 24.6%. Peningkatan tertinggi pada tahun 2019 sebesar 44,4%. Setelah dilakukan perhitungan peramalan rata-rata kunjungan pasien selama sepuluh tahun ke depan (2022-2031), didapatkan rata-rata peningkatan 8,35% pertahunnya. Kesimpulan: Peramalan kunjungan rawat jalan yang mengalami peningkatan ini dapat digunakan sebagai dasar pertimbangan penyusunan rencana strategi terkait menjaga mutu layanan, serta dapat digunakan sebagai sarana perencanaan pemasaran klinik agar klinik dapat lebih menarik minat pasien atau calon pasien untuk datang berkunjung sehingga pihak manajemen dapat memperkirakan juga apakah perlu ditambahkan sumber daya manusiany


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    Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) in healthcare workers at hospital has caused concern because of the higher rates of infection from patients. The aimed of the study was to investigate the risk factors of covid-19 transmission between hospital employees. Subject and Method: This was a qualitative study conducted from August to September 2020. A total of 19 confirmed Covid-19 cases were selected for this study. The data were collected by in-depth interview analyzed descriptively. Result: From 19 confirmed Covid-19 cases, 15 of it were medical staff (78.95%) and the rest were non medical staff (21.05%). The risk factors of transmission were direct contact with confirmed Covid-19 patient and neglected health protocol. Conclusion: The risk of Covid-19 transmission among hospital employees increases with a direct contact with patients and the neglection of health protocol. Keywords: Covid-19 transmission, hospital employees Correspondence: Siti Ulfah. Masters Program in Hospital Administration, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: (021) 7864975


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    Background: Childhood stunting remains a major malnutritional problem in developing countries. Stunting occurred the adverse effects on children's health in the short and long term, including failure to thrive, impairment of cognitive and motor development, stunted stature, metabolic disorders, and decreased intellectual capacity. Integrated nutritional intervention is important to prevent stunting. This study aimed to identify the nutritional interventions to reduce stunting in developing countries. Subjects and Method: A systematic review was conducted by searching from Wiley Online Library, and ProQuest databases. The research question was formulated in PICO-S format: (1) Population, (2) Intervention, (3) Comparison, (4) Outcome, and (5) Study design. The next step was identification, screening, and checking the eligibility of the studies. The keywords were nutrition intervention and stunting reduction. The inclusion criteria were openly accessed and English-language articles published between 2019 to 2020. The searched articles were conducted identification, screening, and eligibility. The data were reported by PRISMA flow chart. Results: Nine articles met the inclusion criteria.Integrated efforts to reduce stunting incidence were carried out through sensitive and specific nutritional interventions. A holistic approach involving the non-health sectors had significant impacts. Some limitations had still occurred in the capacity of implementing qualified nutritional interventions and their utilization. Conclusion: Implementation of nutritional interventions have been focused in developing countries with different approaches to reduce stunting incidence. Keyword: nutritional intervention, stunting, developing countries Correspondence: Lasrika S Sinaga. Masters Program in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia. Jl. Margonda Raya, Pondok Cina, Beji, Depok, 16424, East Java. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +62 81382375618